Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Arabic Word of the Day - pineapple (noun)

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أناناس (ʾnānās) pineapple (noun)

يعد الاناناس فاكهه استوائية ذات قوام أصفر اللون ومذاق حلو
yuʿaddu al-ʾanānās fākihẗan istiwāʾiyyah ḏāt qawāmin ʾaṣfar al-lawn wa maḏāqin ḥuluw
Pineapple is a tropical fruit with yellow meat and a tangy sweet-tart flavor.

أناناسة كاملة
ʾanānāsaẗun kāmilah
whole pineapple

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